好书网为大家整理了经典好书《复分析》中的经典语录,精彩段落及优美句子,重读经典,感悟人生。让读者沉浸在自己的阅读世界里,忘记周围的世界, 与作者一起在另外一个世界里快乐、悲伤、愤怒、平和,欢迎大家阅读~
...what a remarkabe property it is of *two*-dimensional space that it is possible to interpret points *within it* as the fundamental Euclidean transformations *acting on it*.
事实上,只有解析函数或全纯函数可以自由地进行微分和积分。它们是法文“Théorie des fonctions”或德文“Funktionentheorie"意义下唯一真正的”函数"。
A continuous function on a compact set Ω is bounded and attains a maximum and minimum on Ω
Similarly, a closed set F is connected if one cannot write F = F1 ∪ F2 where F1 and F2 are disjoint non-empty closed sets.