好书网为大家整理了经典好书《弗兰妮与祖伊》中的经典语录,精彩段落及优美句子,重读经典,感悟人生。让读者沉浸在自己的阅读世界里,忘记周围的世界, 与作者一起在另外一个世界里快乐、悲伤、愤怒、平和,欢迎大家阅读~
An artist's only concern is to shoot for some kind of perfection, and on his own terms, not anyone else's.
It's everybody, I mean. Everything everybody does is so — I don't know — not wrong, or even mean, or even stupid necessarily. But just so tiny and meaningless and — sad-making.
As a matter of simple logic, there's no difference at all, that I can see, between the man who's greedy for material treasure—or even intellectual treasure—and the man who's greedy for spiritual treasure.
Always, always, always referring every goddam thing that happens right back to our lousy little egos.
I mean if you’re able to go into a collapse with all your might, why can’t you use the same energy to stay well and busy?
I’m just sick of ego, ego, ego. My own and everybody else’s. I’m sick of everybody that wants to get somewhere, do something distinguished and all, be somebody interesting. It’s disgusting.
I'm sick of not having the courage to be an absolute nobody. I'm sick of myself and everybody else that wants to make some kind of a splash.