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Winesburg, Ohio

Winesburg, Ohio
作者:Sherwood Anderson
出版社:Bantam Classics


Before Raymond Carver, John Cheever, and Richard Ford, there was Sherwood Anderson, who, with Winesburg, Ohio, charted a new direction in American fiction--evoking with lyrical simplicity quiet moments of epiphany in the lives of ordinary men and women. In a bed, elevated so that he can peer out the window, an old writer contemplates the fluttering of his heart and considers, as if viewing a pageant, the inhabitants of a small midwestern town. Their stories are about loneliness and alienation, passion and virginity, wealth and poverty, thrift and profligacy, carelessness and abandon. "Nothing quite like it has ever been done in America," wrote H. L. Mencken. "It is so vivid, so full of insight, so shiningly life-like and glowing, that the book is lifted into a category all its own."

With Commentary by Sherwood Anderson, Rebecca West, and Hart Crane

From the Trade Paperback edition.



舍伍德·安德森(Sherwood Anderson,1876-1941),1876年9月13日出生在中西部俄亥俄州克莱德镇的一个贫寒家庭。为了帮助家里,安德森从小就干过各种各样的活,没有受过多少正规的学校教育。短暂的参军后,他开始下海经商。在过着生意兴隆的商人生活的同时,他也在悄悄地写小说。由于被生意中、个人生活中和艺术生活中的种种问题所困扰,在1912年的一天,他突然离家出走,决心用自己的笔过另一种更有意义的生活。到了芝加哥后,他加入了芝加哥的文人圈子。1916年,安德森发表了带有浓重自传体风格的小说《饶舌的麦克佛逊的儿子》(Windy McPherson's Son),从此一发而不可收拾。1919年《俄亥俄州的温斯堡》(Winesburg,Ohio)的发表使安德森获得极大的成功,奠定了他在美国文学史上的地位。安德森其它的主要著作还有:1917年的《前进的人们》(Marching Men);1920年的《穷白人》(Poor White);1921年的短篇小说集《鸡蛋的胜利及其它》(The Triumph of the Egg and Other Stories);1923年的《多种婚姻》(Many Marriages)和短篇集《马与人》(Horses and Men);1925年《深色的笑声》(Dark Laughter);1933年他发表了他的最后一本重要短篇集《林中之死及其它》(Death in the Woods and Other Stories)。他的短篇小说颇受重视,对后来的一些现代派作家有一定的影响。他还是文学现代文体风格的开创者之一。



Introduction by JeffreyMeyersTHE TALES AND THE PERSONS The Book of the Grotesque HANDS--concerning Wing Biddlebaum PAPER PILLS--concerning Doctor Reefy MOTHER--concerning Elizabeth Willard THE PHILOSOPHER--conceming Doctor Parcival NOBODY KNows--concerning Louise Trunnion GODLINESS,a Tale in Four Parts Ⅰ--concerning Jesse Bentley  Ⅱ—also concerning Jesse Bentley  Ⅲ Surrender--concerning Louise Bentley  Ⅳ Terror--concerning David Hardy A MAN OF IDEAS--concerning Joe Welling ADVENTURE--concerning Alice Hindman RESPECTABILITY--concerning Wash Williams THE THINKER--concerning Seth Richmond TANDY--concerning Tandy Hard THE STRENGTH OF GOD--concerning the Reverend Curtis Hartman THE TEACHER--concerning Kate Swift LONELINESS--concerning Enoch Robinson AN AWAKENING--concerning Belle Carpenter “QUEER”--concerning Elmer Cowley THE UNTOLD LIE--concerning Ray Pearson DRINK--concerning Tom Foster DEATH--concerning Doctor Reefy and Elizabeth Willard SOPHISTICATION--concerning Helen White DEPARTURE--concerning George Willard



起初,世界年轻的时候,有许许多多思想,但没有真理这东西。人自己创造真理,而每一个真理都是许许多多模糊思想的混合物。全世界到处是真理,而真理统统是美丽的。 使人变成畸人的,便是真理。一个人一旦为自己掌握一个真理,称之为他的真理,并且努力依此真理过他的生活时,他便成为畸人。他拥抱的真理便成为虚妄。



