"The highway became the Red Sea.We moved through the storm like a sheer valley.You drove; I looked at you with love.""--from "Storm" "One of the most gifted and readable poets of his time, Adam Zagajewski is proving to be a contemporary classic. Few writers in either poetry or prose can be said to have attained the lucid intelligence and limpid economy of style that have become a matter of course with Zagajewski. It is these qualities, combined with his wry humor, gentle skepticism, and perpetual sense of history's dark possibilities, that have earned him a devoted international following. This collection, gracefully translated by Clare Cavanagh, finds the poet reflecting on place, language, and history. Especially moving here are his tributes to writers, friends known in person or in books--people such as Milosz and Sebald, Brodsky and Blake--which intermingle naturally with portraits of family members and loved ones. "Eternal Enemies" is a luminous meeting of art and everyday life.
亚当·扎加耶夫斯基(Adam Zagajewski,1945— )
波兰著名诗人、散文家,波兰“新浪潮”诗歌的代表诗人和主要理论阐述者。主要著作有诗集《无止境》、随笔集《另一种美》《捍卫热情》等。曾获特朗斯特罗姆奖、纽斯塔特国际文学奖、格里芬诗歌奖终身成就奖、阿斯图里亚 斯公主文学奖等多项权威大奖。