Book Description
To this haunting novel of wasted love, Kawabata brings the brushstroke suggestiveness and astonishing grasp of motive that earned him the Nobel Prize for Literature. As he chronicles the affair between a wealthy dilettante and the mountain geisha who gives herself to him without illusions or regrets, one of Japan's greatest writers creates a work that is dense in implication and exalting in its sadness.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)20.3 width:(cm)12.7
川端康成(1899-1972),日本作家。生于大阪。1968年以 “敏锐的感受,高超的叙事技巧,表现日本人的精神实质”获诺贝尔文学奖。代表作有《伊豆的舞女》、《雪国》、《古都》、《千只鹤》、《山音》、《睡美人》等。