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作者:[英] 托马斯·哈代









Wessex Poems 威塞克斯诗集

Hap 偶 然

A Confession to a Friend in Trouble 向逆境中的友人坦承

Neutral Tones 灰色调

She at His Funeral 她在他的葬礼上

The Dance at the Phoenix 凤凰之舞

Her Immortality 她的永生

Thoughts of Phena 念菲娜

Nature’s Questioning 自然之问

“I look into my glass” 对 镜

Poems of the Past and the Present 昔日与今日的诗

Drummer Hodge 鼓手霍吉

A Wife in London 伦敦的妻

Shelley’s Skylark 雪莱的云雀

The Mother Mourns 母亲在悲叹

At a Lunar Eclipse 观月食

A Broken Appointment 爽 约

A Spot 纪念地

His Immortality 他的永生

The Last Chrysanthemum 最后一朵菊花

The Darkling Thrush 黑暗中的鸫鸟

The Comet at Yell’ham 耶勒姆观彗星

The Ruined Maid 堕落的姑娘

Memory and I 记忆和我

Time' s Laughingstocks 时光的笑柄

The End of the Episode 曲 终

The Night of the Dance 跳舞的夜

Misconception 误 会

Let Me Enjoy 让我享受尘世之乐

The Ballad-Singer 歌谣手

Former Beautie 以前的美人

After the Club-Dance 舞会之后

The Inquiry 探 问

The Dark-Eyed Gentleman 黑眼睛先生

The Reminder 提 醒

She Hears the Storm 她听风雨

New Year’s Eve 除夕夜

God’s Education 上帝的一课

The Man He Killed 他杀死的人

Satires of Circumstance 境遇的嘲弄

Channel Firing 海峡炮声

The Convergence of the Twain 双峰会

The Year’s Awakening 新岁苏醒

The Going 离 去

Without Ceremony 不拘礼

The Haunter 魂

The Voice 声 音

Beeny Cliff 比尼崖

The Phantom Horsewoman 女骑手的魅影

“She charged me” “她指责我”

The Workbox 针线盒

At Tea 品 茶

Moments of Vision 显象的片刻

At the Word “Farewell” 说出“告辞”之时

To Shakespeare: After Three Hundred Years 莎士比亚三百年祭

“I travel as a phantom now” “我如今漫游如幽灵一般”

Lines to a Movement in Mozart’s E-flat Symphony 题莫扎特降E 调交响曲某乐章

The Pedigree 家 谱

“Something tapped”“有谁在敲”

Great Things 无与伦比

The Figure in the Scene 景中人像

Logs on the Hearth 炉中柴

The Five Students 五同学

During Wind and Rain 风雨声里

He Fears His Good Fortune 为好运惊心的人

Midnight on the Great Western 夜半在大西铁路上

In Time of “the Breaking of Nations” 正值“打碎列国”之际

Afterwards 以 后

Late Lyrics and Earlier 近期与早期抒情诗

Weathers 天 气

Summer Schemes 夏天的计划

Faintheart in a Railway Train 火车上的优柔寡断者

“I sometimes think” “我有时候会想”

A Jog-Trot Pair 散步的一双

“The curtains now are drawn” “此刻窗帘都已拉上”

The West-of-Wessex Girl 威塞克斯西边的女郎

Going and Staying 逝与留

The Fallow Deer at the Lonely House 鹿访独屋

At Lulworth Cove 在勒尔沃思海湾

On the Way 走 近

Growth in May 欣欣向荣的五月

Fetching Her 娶她回家

In the Small Hours 深更时分

The Dream is — Which? 哪一个是梦?

The Country Wedding 乡村婚礼

The Last Time 最后一次

Human Shows 人间杂剧

A Bird-Scene at a Rural Dwelling 乡居鸟情

Life and Death at Sunrise 生死迎日出

A Sheep Fair 羊 市

The Weary Walker 疲倦的旅人

Farmer Dunman’s Funeral 农民邓曼的葬礼

Retty’s Phases 热蒂的报婚

The Echo-Elf Answers 回声精灵的回答

Cynic’s Epitaph 自嘲者的墓志铭

Winter Words 冬天的话

Proud Songsters 骄傲的歌唱家

“I am the one” “我是那一个”

To Louisa in the Lane 致小径上的露伊莎

An Unkindly May 不友善的五月

The Lodging-House Fuchsias 住房前的吊钟海棠

Throwing a Tree 伐 树

The Lady in the Furs 穿皮草的女士

Childhood among the Ferns 蕨丛里的童年

He Did Not Know Me 他不认识我

“We say we shall not meet” “我们说后会已无期”

Seeing the Moon Rise 看月亮升起

He Never Expected Much 他从未期望过高

Boys Then and Now 从前的孩子和现在的孩子

The Third Kissing-Gate 第三道接吻门

Christmas: 1924 1924年圣诞节

He Resolves to Say No More 他决定不再多说



对镜 当我照我的镜, 见我形容憔悴, 我说:“但愿上天让我的心 也像这样凋萎!” “。L 那时,人心对我变冷 我也不再忧戚 我将能孤独而平静, 等待永久的安息。 哈代诗选 可叹时间偷走一半 却让一半留存, 被时间摇撼的黄昏之躯中 搏动着正午的心


