In suburban Georgetown a killer's Reeboks whisperon the front floor of a posh home... In a seedyD.C. porno house a patron is swiftlygarroted to death... The next day America learnsthat two of its Supreme Court justices have beenassassinated. And in New Orleans, a young lawstudent prepares a legal brief... To Darby Shaw it wasno more than a legal shot in the dark, a brilliantguess. To the Washington establishment it waspolitical dynamite. Suddenly Darby is witness to amurder -- a murder intended for her. Goingunderground, she finds there is only one person she cantrust -- an ambitious reporter after a newsbreakhotter than Watergate -- to help her piece together thedeadly puzzle. Somewhere between the bayous ofLouisiana and the White House's inner sanctums, aviolent cover-up is being engineered. For somone hasread Darby's brief. Someone who will stop atnothing to destroy the evidence of an unthinkablecrime.