In a grand and immemsely readable synthesis of historical, political, cultural, and economic analysis, a prize-winning historian depicts much more than a break with England. He gives readers a revolution that transformed an almost feudal society into a democratic one, whose emerging realities sometimes baffled and disappointed its founding fathers.
他们不再是在文明边缘深受君主制和等级制重压下的臣民,美国人几乎一夜之间,成了世界上最自由、最民主、最具经济头脑以及最现代的人民。 这种巨变的产生并没有借助于工业化、城市化、铁路以及任何我们常常用以解释“现代化”所需要的力量。正是这场革命才是这种转变的关键所在。是美国革命,而非其他单一的事件把美国变成了世界上最自由、最民主、最具商业精神及最现代的国家。