This accessible, hands-on text not only introduces students to the important topics in historical linguistics but also shows them how to apply the methods described and how to think about the issues; abundant examples and exercises allow students to focus on how to do historical linguistics. Distinctive to this text is its integration of the standard topics with others now considered important to the field, including syntactic change, grammaticalization, sociolinguistic contributions to linguistic change, distant genetic relationships, areal linguistics, and linguistic prehistory. Examples are taken from a broad range of languages; those from the more familiar English, French, German, and Spanish make the topics more accessible, while those from non-Indo-European languages show the depth and range of the concepts they illustrate.<br /> <br /> This second edition features expanded explanations and examples as well as updates in light of recent work in linguistics, including a defense of the family tree model, a response to recent claims on lexical diffusion/frequency, and a section on why languages diversify and spread.
莱尔•坎贝尔(Lyle Campbell)现为犹他大学(University of Utah)语言学系“校长首席教授”(Presidential Professor),并担任美国印第安语研究中心主任。坎贝尔著作颇丰,其中《美洲印第安语:美洲印第安语的历史语言学》(American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America)和合著的《历史句法学的跨语言视角》(Historical Syntax in Cross-Linguistic Perspectives)两书曾获得美国语言学学会(Linguistic Society of America)的布龙菲尔德年度最佳图书奖(Leonard Bloomfield Book Award)。
change in language is inevitable,and this makes complaints against language change both futile and silly