Enough. is a piece of work that simply has not been seen by the likes of Jack Bogle before. Sure, the world knows of his legendary financial mind. He is the Father of Index Investing. He is the founder of Vanguard. He is St. Jack. And now he wants to share his own journey, filled with famous characters and telling anecdotes, that aims to teach investors the importance of doing the right thing, how to be a strong leader in today's world, and what it means to have "enough."
William Bernstein, Ph.D., M.D. is the critically acclaimed author, financial theorist and historian whose books include A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World, The Birth of Plenty, The Four Pillars of Investing, and The Intelligent Asset Allocator. Bernstein is frequently quoted in national publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, Money, and Forbes.
最重要的是,做一个真实的自我, 无论白天黑夜,一定要谨记遵循, 如此方可不会对任何人虚情假意。 因此,一定要忠实于你自己!一定要做你自己!如果你不是那种知道自己应该是什么样子(你想成为并能够成为的样子)的人,那么请让自己每天变得更好一些。不管你是16岁、60岁活像我一样已跨入80岁的行列深知更为年迈,你都可以做的这一点!