The fullest expression of the distinguished French philosopher's ideas about the meaning of life. In propounding his distinctive theory of evolution, Bergson considers nature and intelligence, examines mechanisms of thought and illusion, and presents a criticism of philosophical systems from those of the ancients to those of his 19th-century contemporaries.
如果我们可以除去我们的一切骄傲,如果为了给我们人类下定义,我们完全局限于历史和史前史告诉我们的人类和智慧的稳定特征,我们就不会把自己称为智人(homo sapiens),而应该称为工人(homo faber)。总之,从最初活动来看,智慧是制造人造工具,尤其是制造用于制造的工具以及不断改进制造的能力。