Spring Microservices in Action teaches you how to build microservice-based applications using Java and the Spring platform. You'll learn to do microservice design as you build and deploy your first Spring Cloud application. Throughout the book, carefully selected real-life examples expose microservice-based patterns for configuring, routing, scaling, and deploying your services. You'll see how Spring's intuitive tooling can help augment and refactor existing applications with micro services.
John Carnell is a Java developer with a Clojure addiction. He's a Senior Cloud Engineer at Interactive Intelligence and a prolific speaker and writer with 20 years of experience in the software development field. John has authored, co-authored, and been a technical reviewer for a number of technology books and industry publications.
1. Welcome to the cloud, Spring
2. Building microservices with Spring Boot
3. Controlling your configuration with Spring Cloud configuration server
4. On service discovery
5. When bad things happen: client resiliency patterns with Spring Cloud and Netflix Hystrix
6. Service routing with Spring Cloud and Zuul
7. Securing your microservices
8. Event-driven architecture with Spring Cloud Stream
9. Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin
10. Deploying your microservices