Readers will delight in this retelling of the classic story of Neverland, pirates, and flying. Robert Sabuda's elegant text and paper engineering give new life to favorite charcters like Tinkerbell, Wendy, Michael, and John, and, of course, Peter Pan. Sabuda's beautiful pop-ups are further complemented by full color illustrations that pull readers even deeper into the magical world that is Neverland.
詹姆斯·巴里(James Mattchew Barrie, 1860-1937),英国剧作家、小说家。出生于苏格兰一个纺织工人的家庭。1882年毕业于爱丁堡大学,从事新闻工作数年,并开始文学创作。1919年任安德鲁大学校长;1928年当选为英国作家协会主席;1930年受聘为爱丁堡大学名誉校长。