Barcelona, 1945—A great world city lies shrouded in secrets after the war, and a boy mourning the loss of his mother finds solace in his love for an extraordinary book called The Shadow of the Wind , by an author named Julian Carax. When the boy searches for Carax’s other books, it begins to dawn on him, to his horror, that someone has been systematically destroying every copy of every book the man has ever written. Soon the boy realizes that The Shadow of the Wind is as dangerous to own as it is impossible to forget, for the mystery of its author’s identity holds the key to an epic story of murder, madness, and doomed love that someone will go to any lengths to keep secret.
卡洛斯·鲁依斯·萨丰(Carlos Ruiz Zafón)1964年生于巴塞罗那,原任职于广告界,后赴美定居,目前在洛山矶从事电影编剧以及文学创作。1993年出版小说处女作《白雪王子》,荣获西班牙重要的「艾德彼儿童文学奖」肯定,接下来几部作品如《午夜皇宫》《九月之光》和《玛丽娜》等,都是极受好评的青少年小说。