Is a tower block, your unmade bed, your lavatory basin, or the bicycle chained to the gate next door a work of art? Why should a novel have a beginning, a middle, and an end; or even a story? Whether we recognise it or not, virtually every aspect of our life today has been influenced in part by the aesthetic legacy of Modernism. In this Very Short Introduction Christopher Butler examines how and why Modernism began, explaining what it is and showing how it has gradually informed all aspects of 20th and 21st century life. Butler considers several aspects of modernism including some modernist works; movements and notions of the avant garde; and the idea of 'progress' in art. Butler looks at modernist ideas of the self, subjectivity, irrationalism, people and machines, and political definitions of modernism as a whole.
克里斯托弗•巴特勒 牛津大学基督教会学院英语语言文学教授。著有《阐释、解构与意识形态》(1984)、《早期现代主义:欧洲的文学、音乐与绘画,1900-1916》(1994)、《后现代主义:牛津通识读本》(2002)、《现代主义:牛津通识读本》(2010)等。