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Excellent Advice for Living

Excellent Advice for Living
作者:Kevin Kelly
副标题:Wisdom I Wish I'd Known Earlier


Succinct bits of wise, practical, optimistic life advice from author, leading technology thinker, and cofounder of Wired magazine Kevin Kelly

On his sixty-eighth birthday, Kevin Kelly wrote down for his young adult son some things he had learned about relationships, business, and life that he wished he had known earlier. To his surprise, he had more to say than he thought, so he continued composing these short passages of guidance until he had more than four hundred of them.

Kelly’s bits of advice cover an astonishing range of subject matter, and each statement is meant to be a memorable prompt for an action one could take. Many of them are about right living, good conduct, and civility. There is advice on setting ambitious goals, forgiveness and gratitude, taking responsibility for mistakes, optimizing generosity, and cultivating awareness, compassion, and creativity. Career, work, and financial advice is given, as well as guidance related to practical matters ranging from parenting and troubleshooting to the importance of learning how to tie a bowline knot.

Excellent Advice for Living is aimed primarily at young people, and in particular at young professionals, but it will speak to anyone at any stage of life. Kelly’s advice is memorable, and, more important, needed right now.



凯文·凯利(Kevin Kelly)






务必规定一个戴止日期, 因为这可以筛选掉 无关紧要和平淡无奇的事项。 截止日期有助于纠正 你的完美主义倾向, 迫使你找到不一样的解决方案。 不一样是一件好事。

The fact that you“can't do”something can be embarrassing. But if you are "learning to do something,that is admirable. Don't measure your life with someone else's ruler.

倾听的目的 并不是回答, 而是听出弦外之音。


