Mankiw's "Macroeconomics" is popular, widely adopted and well-known for clearly communicating the principles of Macroeconomics in a concise and accessible way. The sixth edition maintains the core features that have made it a best-selling Macroeconomics text - a balance of coverage between short and long-run issues, an integration of Keynesian and classical ideas, a variety of simple models and the incorporation of real world issues and data through case studies and FYI boxes. An outstanding package of support materials includes the student web-support site Macrobytes. The sixth edition incorporates new coverage of the decline in working hours in Europe, more extensive discussion of business-cycle facts to introduce the subject of short-run economic fluctuations, and new case studies and FYI boxes. It provides supplements for the student: Study Guide (0-7167-7339-2); and for the lecturer: Instructor's Resource Manual (0-7167-7326-0), Instructor's Resource CD-ROM (0-7167-7327-9), Solutions Manual 0-7167-7587-5), Test Bank (0-7167-7328-7), Computer Test Bank (0-7167-7583-3).
作者:(美国)N·格里高利·曼昆 译者:张帆 梁晓钟
N·格里高利·曼昆(N.Gregory Mankiw)是哈佛大学的经济学教授。他在普林斯顿大学开始自己的经济学学习,关于1980年以全优的成绩获得学士学位。在获得麻省理工学院博士学位之后,他于1985年开始在哈佛大学任教,并在1987年晋升为正教授。现在,他定期为本科生和研究生讲授宏观经济课程。