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A Book of Abstract Algebra

A Book of Abstract Algebra
作者:Charles C Pinter
副标题:Second Edition
出版社:Dover Publications


Accessible but rigorous, this outstanding text encompasses all of the topics covered by a typical course in elementary abstract algebra. Its easy-to-read treatment offers an intuitive approach, featuring informal discussions followed by thematically arranged exercises. This second edition features additional exercises to improve student familiarity with applications. 1990 edition.








Chapter 1 Why Abstract Algebra?

History of Algebra. New Algebras. Algebraic Structures. Axioms and Axiomatic Algebra.

Abstraction in Algebra.

Chapter 2 Operations

Operations on a Set. Properties of Operations.

Chapter 3 The Definition of Groups

Groups. Examples of Infinite and Finite Groups. Examples of Abelian and Nonabelian

Groups. Group Tables.

Theory of Coding: Maximum-Likelihood Decoding.

Chapter 4 Elementary Properties of Groups

Uniqueness of Identity and Inverses. Properties of Inverses.

Direct Product of Groups.

Chapter 5 Subgroups

Definition of Subgroup. Generators and Defining Relations.

Cayley Diagrams. Center of a Group. Group Codes; Hamming Code


Chapter 6 Functions

Injective, Surjective, Bijective Function. Composite and Inverse of Functions.

Finite-State Machines. Automata and Their Semigroups.

Chapter 7 Groups of Permutations

Symmetric Groups. Dihedral Groups.

An Application of Groups to Anthropology.

Chapter 8 Permutations of a Finite Set

Decomposition of Permutations into Cycles. Transpositions. Even and Odd Permutations.

Alternating Groups.

Chapter 9 Isomorphism

The Concept of Isomorphism in Mathematics. Isomorphic and Nonisomorphic Groups.

Cayley’s Theorem.

Group Automorphisms


Chapter 10 Order of Group Elements

Powers/Multiples of Group Elements. Laws of Exponents. Properties of the Order of Group Elements.

Chapter 11 Cyclic Groups

Finite and Infinite Cyclic Groups. Isomorphism of Cyclic Groups. Subgroups of Cyclic


Chapter 12 Partitions and Equivalence Relations

Chapter 13 Counting Cosets

Lagrange’s Theorem and Elementary Consequences.

Survey of Groups of Order ≤ 10.

Number of Conjugate Elements. Group Acting on a Set.

Chapter 14 Homomorphisms

Elementary Properties of Homomorphisms. Normal Subgroups. Kernel and Range.

Inner Direct Products. Conjugate Subgroups.

Chapter 15 Quotient Groups

Quotient Group Construction. Examples and Applications.

The Class Equation. Induction on the Order of a Group.

Chapter 16 The Fundamental Homomorphism Theorem

Fundamental Homomorphism Theorem and Some Consequences.

The Isomorphism Theorems. The Correspondence Theorem. Cauchy’s Theorem. Sylow

Subgroups. Sylow’s Theorem. Decomposition Theorem for Finite Abelian Groups


Chapter 17 Rings: Definitions and Elementary Properties

Commutative Rings. Unity. Invertibles and Zero-Divisors. Integral Domain. Field.

Chapter 18 Ideals and Homomorphisms

Chapter 19 Quotient Rings

Construction of Quotient Rings. Examples. Fundamental Homomorphism Theorem and

Some Consequences. Properties of Prime and Maximal Ideals.

Chapter 20 Integral Domains

Characteristic of an Integral Domain. Properties of the Characteristic. Finite Fields.

Construction of the Field of Quotients.

Chapter21 The Integers

Ordered Integral Domains. Well-ordering. Characterization of

Up to Isomorphism.

Mathematical Induction. Division Algorithm.

Chapter 22 Factoring into Primes

Ideals of Z. Properties of the GCD. Relatively Prime Integers. Primes. Euclid’s Lemma.

Unique Factorization.

Chapter 23 Elements of Number Theory (Optional)

Properties of Congruence. Theorems of Fermât and Euler. Solutions of Linear Congruences.

Chinese Remainder Theorem.

Wilson’s Theorem and Consequences. Quadratic Residues. The Legendre Symbol.

Primitive Roots.

Chapter 24 Rings of Polynomials

Motivation and Definitions. Domain of Polynomials over a Field. Division Algorithm.

Polynomials in Several Variables. Fields of Polynomial Quotients.

Chapter 25 Factoring Polynomials

Ideals of F[x]. Properties of the GCD. Irreducible Polynomials. Unique factorization.

Euclidean Algorithm.

Chapter 26 Substitution in Polynomials

Roots and Factors. Polynomial Functions. Polynomials over Q

Eisenstein’s Irreducibility Criterion.

Polynomials over the Reals. Polynomial Interpolation.

Chapter 27 Extensions of Fields

Algebraic and Transcendental Elements. The Minimum Polynomial. Basic Theorem on

Field Extensions.

Chapter 28 Vector Spaces

Elementary Properties of Vector Spaces. Linear Independence. Basis. Dimension. Linear Transformations.

Chapter29 Degrees of Field Extensions

Simple and Iterated Extensions. Degree of an Iterated Extension.

Fields of Algebraic Elements. Algebraic Numbers. Algebraic Closure.

Chapter 30 Ruler and Compass

Constructible Points and Numbers. Impossible Constructions.

Constructible Angles and Polygons.

Chapter 31 Galois Theory: Preamble

Multiple Roots. Root Field. Extension of a Field. Isomorphism.

Roots of Unity. Separable Polynomials. Normal Extensions.

Chapter 32 Galois Theory: The Heart of the Matter

Field Automorphisms. The Galois Group. The Galois Correspondence. Fundamental

Theorem of Galois Theory.

Computing Galois Groups.

Chapter 33

Solving Equations by Radicals

Radical Extensions. Abelian Extensions. Solvable Groups. Insolvability of the Quin tic.

Appendix A Review of Set Theory

Appendix B Review of the Integers

Appendix C Review of Mathematical Induction

Answers to Selected Exercises





