This monograph of work and projects by Venezuelan-born, Swiss-based architect Christian Kerez seeks to elucidate his particular approach, which emphasises how architecture does not exist in and of itself, but is rather a reflection of a practice of questioning, and of working with the unexpected. At its core, the things we take for granted must be seen again, in a new light. Architecture critic Erwin Viray delves into this kind of reasoning in a conversation with Kerez, while the book beautifully presents examples of his designs, among them, a high-rise in Zhengzhou, the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, social housing in Paraisópolis and a school building in Munich.
Christian Kerez(克里斯蒂安・科雷兹)1962年出生于委内瑞拉的马拉开波,1988年毕业于瑞士苏黎世联邦技术研究所(ETH),后在瑞士联邦苏黎世高等技术大学获得硕士学位。他曾大量发表过建筑摄影作品,随后于1993年在瑞士苏黎世开创了自己的建筑工作室。2001年担任苏黎世联邦理工的客座教授,在2009年被授予建筑设计教授的席位。2012年至2013年Christian Kerez被哈佛大学建筑学院邀请担任丹下健三教席的客座教授,他在2012年被授予英国皇家建筑师学会荣誉会员。Christian Kerez在建筑研究领域有着杰出的贡献,他善于通过模型不断地研究问题的结果,并且探索各种设计的可能性。他的建筑作品以充满张力的结构和建筑内部独特的空间设计让人由衷赞叹。可以说,他是一位非常具有实验精神的建筑师 。
Oberrealta Chapel
House in Vinheros and House in Ilheos
School Building Salzmagazin
Apartment Building on Forsterstrasse
Experimental Housing in Munich
Fragmented House
House with One Wall
School Building in Freudenberg
Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
House with a Lakeview
House Muller
University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Europaallee Office Building
School Building in Leutschenbach
Holcim Competence Center
Swiss Re Next
Social Housing in Paraisopolis
Highrise in Zhengzhou1
Highrise in Zhengzhou2