The "New York Times" bestselling novel. This is the riveting first-person narrative of Kvothe, a young man who grows to be one of the most notorious magicians his world has ever seen. From his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, to years spent as a near-feral orphan in a crime-riddled city, to his daringly brazen yet successful bid to enter a legendary school of magic, "The Name of the Wind" is a masterpiece that transports readers into the body and mind of a wizard.
《风之名》最初想要出版时却处处碰壁,直到 他将作品的部分改编成短篇参赛并获奖,让罗斯福斯有机会可以参加一个在洛杉矶举办的写作班。在写作班中他认识了著名科幻作家凯文?安德森,安德森则将自己的经纪人介绍给罗斯福斯认识;而擅长挖掘新锐小说家的美国经纪人麦特?拜勒(Matt Bialer)读到他的《风之名》初稿后,惊艳于他将奇幻和文学元素巧妙融合,立刻签下他,且不负众望推他跻身畅销的奇幻新锐作家。美国著名出版人伊丽莎白?魏赫姆(Betsy Wollheim)也夸赞:《风之名》是她在三十年的编辑生涯中看到过的最棒的处女作,罗斯福斯应该是和乔治?R.R.马丁、泰德?威廉姆斯并列的奇幻作家。
The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind.