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An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Vol. 1 & 2

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Vol. 1 & 2
作者:Adam Smith
出版社:Liberty Fund, Inc.


First published in 1776, the year in which the American Revolution officially began, Smith's "Wealth of Nations" sparked a revolution of its own. In it Smith analyzes the major elements of political economy, from market pricing and the division of labor to monetary, tax, trade, and other government policies that affect economic behavior. Throughout he offers seminal arguments for free trade, free markets, and limited government. Criticising mercantilists who sought to use the state to increase their nations' supply of precious metals, Smith points out that a nation's wealth should be measured by the well-being of its people.Prosperity in turn requires voluntary exchange of goods in a peaceful, well-ordered market. How to establish and maintain such markets? For Smith the answer lay in man's social instincts, which government may encourage by upholding social standards of decency, honesty, and virtue, but which government undermines when it unduly interferes with the intrinsically private functions of production and exchange. Social and economic order arise from the natural desires to better one's (and one's family's) lot and to gain the praise and avoid the censure of one's neighbors and business associates. Individuals behave decently and honestly because it gives them a clear conscience as well as the good reputation necessary for public approbation and sustained, profitable business relations.



亚当·斯密(Adam Smith, 1723-1790)是经济学的主要创立者。他于1723年出生在苏格兰的克科底,青年时就读于牛津大学。1751年到1764年在格斯哥大学担任哲学教授。在此期间发表了他的第一部著作《道德情操论》,确立了他在知识界的威望。但是他的不朽名声主要在于他在1776年发表的伟大著作《国家财富的性质和原因的研究》。该书一举成功,使他在余生中享受着荣誉和爱戴。1790年,亚当·斯密在克科底去逝。他一生未娶,没有子女。






