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JavaScript Web Applications

JavaScript Web Applications
作者:Alex MacCaw
出版社:O'Reilly Media


Building rich JavaScript applications that bring the desktop experience to the Web is now possible, thanks to powerful JavaScript engines and the CSS3 and HTML5 specifications. The key is moving state from the server to the client side, but that's no simple task. This book takes you through all the steps necessary to create state-of-the-art JavaScript applications, including structure, templating, frameworks, communicating with the server, and many other issues. Through practical, tutorial-based explanations, you learn how to create JavaScript applications that offer a much more responsive and improved experience. You'll work hands-on with an example application throughout the book to learn the concepts involved. * Explore MVC and how to best structure and manage dependencies inside your application * Get an introduction to templating and data binding * Learn about loading remote data, Ajax Level 2 and cross-domain requests * Use WebSockets and Node to create realtime applications * Accept dropped files and upload data with progress indicators * Learn about major frameworks and libraries, including jQuery, JavaScriptMVC and Backbone * Write tests and use the console to debug your applications * Get deployment best practices, such as caching and minification




Alex MacCaw是一名Ruby/JavaScript程序员,在开源社区中很有名望,是Spine框架的作者,开发过Taskforce,Socialmod等大型开源项目,同时活跃在纽约、旧金山和柏林的各大Ruby/Rails会议。





The mistake developers often make is creating applications with a lot of interdependency, with huge linear JavaScript files generating a slew of HTML tags.

Event-based programming is very powerful because it decouples your application’s architecture, leading to better self-containment and maintainability.


