A stunning literary achievement, The Joy Luck Club explores the tender and tenacious bond between four daughters and their mothers. The daughters know one side of their mothers, but they don't know about their earlier never-spoken of lives in China. The mothers want love and obedience from their daughters, but they don't know the gifts that the daughters keep to themselves. Heartwarming and bittersweet, this is a novel for mother, daughters, and those that love them.
谭恩美(Amy Tan),美国华裔作家。1952年出生于美国加州奥克兰,曾就读医学院,后取得语言学硕士学位。她因处女作《喜福会》而一举成名,成为当代美国的畅销作家。著有长篇小说《灶神之妻》、《灵感女孩》和为儿童创作的《月亮夫人》、《中国暹罗猫》等,作品被译成20多种文字在世界上广为流传。如今谭恩美已然成为美国文坛少数民族作家的一位代表人物,而在当今美国社会倡导多元文化的大背景下,她的地位早已渐渐超越了一位少数民族或者流行小说家的身份,而成为整个美国乃至西方最为著名的作家之一。