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Badass: Making Users Awesome

Badass: Making Users Awesome
作者:Kathy Sierra
出版社:O'Reilly Media


Imagine you’re in a game with one objective: a bestselling product or service. The rules? No marketing budget, no PR stunts, and it must be sustainably successful. No short-term fads.

This is not a game of chance. It is a game of skill and strategy.

And it begins with a single question: given competing products of equal pricing, promotion, and perceived quality, why does one outsell the others?

The answer doesn’t live in the sustainably successful products or services. The answer lives in those who use them.

Our goal is to craft a strategy for creating successful users. And that strategy is full of surprising, counter-intuitive, and astonishingly simple techniques that don’t depend on a massive marketing or development budget. Techniques typically overlooked by even the most well-funded, well-staffed product teams.

Every role is a key player in this game. Product development, engineering, marketing, user experience, support—everyone on the team. Even if that team is a start-up of one. Armed with a surprisingly overlooked science and a unique POV, we can can reduce the role of luck. We can build sustainably successful products and services that rely not on unethical persuasive marketing tricks but on helping our users have deeper, richer experiences. Not just in the moments while they’re using our product but, more importantly, in the moments when they aren’t.



Kathy Sierra created the award-winning Head First programming book series that has sold over 1 million copies, and includes the longest-running tech bestsellers of the past decade. Her background is in developing education games and software for the motion picture industry, and she also created the first interaction design courses for UCLA Entertainment Studies. For more than 15 years she's been helping large companies, small start-ups, non-profits, and educators rethink their approach to user experience, and build sustainable, genuine loyalty.





先成就用户 “场景是需求的灵魂”,这通常是产品经理挂在嘴边的准则,但能把这一准则自然融入日常设计工作却并不容易。产品设计者天然地站在服务供给一方,所以会不由自主地把精力放在产品特性和实现方案上,关注业务逻辑、交互流程、信息架构等。这所有的一切或许可以让你做出一个完整的产品,但它是否能成功,却取决于你的产品或服务能不能到用户的场景中,为他们带去真正的价值。



