Excellent Women is one of Barbara Pym's richest and most amusing high comedies. Mildred Lathbury is a clergyman's daughter and a mild-mannered spinster in 1950s England. She is one of those “excellent women,” the smart, supportive, repressed women who men take for granted. As Mildred gets embroiled in the lives of her new neighbors—anthropologist Helena Napier and her handsome, dashing husband, Rocky, and Julian Malory, the vicar next door—the novel presents a series of snapshots of human life as actually, and pluckily, lived in a vanishing world of manners and repressed desires.
芭芭拉·皮姆(Barbara Pym, 1913-1980),英国小说家。她的多部作品曾遭出版社退稿,经历了长时间的沉寂。大卫·塞西尔和菲利普·拉金评价她为20世纪最被低估的作家之一。她的小说《秋日四重奏》(Quartet in Autumn, 1977)获当年的布克奖提名,作者本人也被选为英国皇家文学学会会员。
李乃清,“80后”文字工作者,资深媒体人。毕业于复旦大学新闻学院,现任《南方人物周刊》主笔,负责采写文化领域人物报道,代表作有《杨绛:百年淑子 映月泉清》《莫言:唯一一个报信者》等。酷爱远游,部分游记结集豆瓣电子书单行本《漫游英伦三岛:日不落,夜未眠》。闲暇也从事小说翻译,已出版译作《牡丹绮情》。