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Factory Girls

Factory Girls
作者:Leslie T·Chang
副标题:From Village to City in a Changing China
出版社:Spiegel & Grau


An eye-opening and previously untold story, Factory Girls is the first look into the everyday lives of the migrant factory population in China.

China has 130 million migrant workers—the largest migration in human history. In Factory Girls, Leslie T. Chang, a former correspondent for the Wall Street Journal in Beijing, tells the story of these workers primarily through the lives of two young women, whom she follows over the course of three years as they attempt to rise from the assembly lines of Dongguan, an industrial city in China’s Pearl River Delta.

As she tracks their lives, Chang paints a never-before-seen picture of migrant life—a world where nearly everyone is under thirty; where you can lose your boyfriend and your friends with the loss of a mobile phone; where a few computer or English lessons can catapult you into a completely different social class. Chang takes us inside a sneaker factory so large that it has its own hospital, movie theater, and fire department; to posh karaoke bars that are fronts for prostitution; to makeshift English classes where students shave their heads in monklike devotion and sit day after day in front of machines watching English words flash by; and back to a farming village for the Chinese New Year, revealing the poverty and idleness of rural life that drive young girls to leave home in the first place. Throughout this riveting portrait, Chang also interweaves the story of her own family’s migrations, within China and to the West, providing historical and personal frames of reference for her investigation.

A book of global significance that provides new insight into China,Factory Girls demonstrates how the mass movement from rural villages to cities is remaking individual lives and transforming Chinese society, much as immigration to America’s shores remade our own country a century ago.



Leslie T. Chang lived in China for a decade as a correspondent for the Wall Street Journal. She is married to Peter Hessler, who also writes about China. She lives in Colorado.



Pt. 1 The City

1 Going Out 3

2 The City 17

3 To Die Poor Is a Sin 44

4 The Talent Market 72

5 Factory Girls 98

6 The Stele with No Name 120

7 Square and Round 171

8 Eight-Minute Date 206

9 Assembly-Line English 246

Pt. 2 The Village

10 The Village 269

11 The Historian in My Family 303

12 The South China Mall 334

13 Love and Money 360

14 The Tomb of the Emperor 377

15 Perfect Health 388

Sources 409



我认识的那些打工女孩从不抱怨做女人所面对的种种不公。父母重男轻女,老板喜欢漂亮秘书,招工广告公然搞性别歧视,但她们却从容面对这些不公——在东莞这三年,我从来没有听到任何一个人说过任何女权主义论调的话。也许她们理所当然地认为大家过得都不容易。唯一要紧的鸿沟横在农村和城市之间: 一旦你跨过这条线,就能改变你的命运。


