You should read Fires now. These stories and the enormous talent of Raymond Carver beginning to take hold. -- San Francisco Chronicle "Seminal in Carver studies...A disparate collection of work bound by a unity of vision and obsession." -- Los Angeles Herald Examiner "Carver's most revealing book...This collection confirms the worth of Raymond Carver's work...Like bright birds in distant trees, Carver's stories appear in flashes, glimpses; Fires reveals the arc of his purposeful flight." -- Boston Globe
雷蒙德•卡佛(Raymond Carver),海明威之后美国最伟大的短篇小说家,被尊为简约派文学典范。人生的前一半充满了苦难与失望。失业,酗酒,破产,妻离子散,友人背弃,坠入人生之谷底。晚年文学声名渐高,却罹患肺癌,五十岁便英年早逝。致力于描绘美国的蓝领生活,是写失败者的失败者,写酒鬼的酒鬼,生活的变质和走投无路后的无望,是其小说中的常态。作品风格和他自身经历密切相关,包括极其精简的遣词和冷硬的语言风格。