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Stuff Matters

Stuff Matters
作者:Mark Miodownik
副标题:Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World
出版社:Houghton Mifflin (T)


A New York Times Bestseller

An eye-opening adventure deep inside the everyday materials that surround us, packed with surprising stories and fascinating science

Why is glass see-through? What makes elastic stretchy? Why does a paper clip bend? Why does any material look and behave the way it does? These are the sorts of questions that Mark Miodownik is constantly asking himself. A globally-renowned materials scientist, Miodownik has spent his life exploring objects as ordinary as an envelope and as unexpected as concrete cloth, uncovering the fascinating secrets that hold together our physical world.

In Stuff Matters, Miodownik entertainingly examines the materials he encounters in a typical morning, from the steel in his razor and the graphite in his pencil to the foam in his sneakers and the concrete in a nearby skyscraper. He offers a compendium of the most astounding histories and marvelous scientific breakthroughs in the material world, including:

The imprisoned alchemist who saved himself from execution by creating the first European porcelain.

The hidden gem of the Milky Way, a planet five times the size of Earth, made entirely of diamond.

Graphene, the thinnest, strongest, stiffest material in existence—only a single atom thick—that could be used to make entire buildings sensitive to touch.

From the teacup to the jet engine, the silicon chip to the paper clip, the plastic in our appliances to the elastic in our underpants, our lives are overflowing with materials. Full of enthralling tales of the miracles of engineering that permeate our lives, Stuff Matters will make you see stuff in a whole new way.



马克·米奥多尼克:伦敦大学学院材料科学教授,英国皇家工程学会会士,入选《泰晤士报》「英国百大影响力科学家」。 他乐于为大众讲解材料科学,且广受欢迎,曾担任多部纪录片的主持人,包括英国国家广播公司第二台(BBC2)制作的《发明的天才》。 2010年,他获邀在科普界最负盛名的英国皇家科学院圣诞讲座进行演讲。

他也是伦敦大学学院制成研究中心主任,这个中心有一座材料馆,收藏了地球上最神奇的一些物质,并和多所博物馆共同推出互动节目,合作伙伴包括泰特现代美术馆(Tate Modern),黑沃德画廊(Hayward Gallery)和威康收藏馆(Wellcome Collection)等。







