订正—— 代诗集序 Correction-Preface to the Collection of Poems
坐在阳光下的电脑菩萨 Computer Bodhisattva Sitting in the Sun
2021 年 1 月 9 日,早晨 January 9, 2021, Morning
同步 Synchronize
世界上最快的 50 位吉他手 The 50 Fastest Guitarists in the World
在没有去河边垂钓的一天 On a Day Without Going Fishing
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标题 Title
妹妹 Younger Sister
贝克特 Beckett
修墙 Repair the Wall
形状,一朵移动的云 Shape, a Moving Cloud
无悔追踪 No Regrets Tracking
银杏 Ginkgo
徽宗的上午 Huizong's Morning
星星一 Star One
出淤泥 Out of Silt
二月好雨 Good Rain in February
云 :4x6 Cloud
去动物园附近闲逛:4x8 Wander around the Zoo
方格鸟行 Checkered Bird Row
鸽子在树杈间跳来跳 Pigeons hop between the branches of the tree
To a collection of contemporary poems with dismal Sales. 路边 Roadside
大物:三月 20 日,长河垂钓,归 Big thing
这天的诗 Poem of this day
默认 Default
At noon, sitting in front of a mirror
雨水与尼姑:4x4x2,及注。Rain and Nun
A fishbone is inserted on a blank sheet of paper
一只杯子立在桌上......4x7 A cup stands on the table
一张照片,暗示:4x4 A photo, suggestion
接近 Near
预习 Preview
一个桔子摆在窗台上...... An orange is on the windowsill...
牛奶 Milk
Qingming, made on the way home from fishing in Changhe
水壶 Kettle
火柴 Matches
悲剧,然后只是悲剧 Tragedy, then just tragedy
Let it go and let's go
四月 April
不可错过的事物 Things not to be missed
窝料 Nesting
避雨的鸟 Bird sheltering from rain
躺着 Lying down
光标 Cursor
导体 Conductor
这个早晨 This Morning
书脊 Spine
在风中 In the Wind
手表 Watch
Eating popsicles gradually fell into contemplation, Giving Meat.
这是一件什么事? What is this?
袜子 Sock
近处 Near
猫,把它拿走 Cat, take it away
电视 Television
小鸡赋 Chicken Fu
整理 Tidy
在一个一无所获的日子里写诗 Write poetry on a day of nothing
未来的本质 The essence of the future
荡漾 Rippling
大庙 * Great Temple
无用者 Useless
花瓣 Petal
悟空 Goku
秋天的虎 Tiger in Falls
着急 In a hurry
诗写研究 Poem Writing Research
静物 Still life
球拍 Racket
支流 Tributary
这样的生活算不上有趣 Such a life is not interesting
野鸡 Pheasant
大象 Elephant
致残酷仙人掌 Cruel Cactus
葡萄 Grape
Two things about Frostfall and the travels of the monarchs to Wuxue
一个黑色的杯子摆在桌上 ...... A black cup is on the table
关于历史这个词语 About the word HISTORY
一件消防装置 A piece of fire fighting device
如何制作一部电影 How to make a movie
捉谜藏 Puzzle
20 世纪美国诗歌史 History of American Poetry in the 20th Century
On November 27th Changhe fishing with Donglin, home
排版——代跋 Typesetting ——Postscript