Robert Prentice is eighteen, and his boyhood dreams have disintegrated on the battlefields of Europe. At home, his mother, Alice, wraps herself in fantasy against the relentless disappointments of life. From his compelling portraits of these two damaged souls, Richard Yates creates a brilliant novel of post-war America, at odds with its own identity, striving to combine prosperity and ideals, mercilessly exposed in the attempt to do so. At once tender and ironic, bitterly sad and achingly funny, "A Special Providence" is the second novel by the author of "Revolutionary Road".
理查德·耶茨(Richards Yates,1926—1992)是“焦虑时代的伟大作家”。作为二十世纪中叶的美国主流生活的忠实记录者,批评家们将他与契诃夫、菲茨杰拉德、约翰·契弗相提并论。他的处女作长篇小说《革命之路》甫一推出即获成功,获得美国国家图书奖提名。1962年他的第一部短篇小说集《十一种孤独》出版,更被誉为“纽约的《都柏林人》”。耶茨的作品曾获《纽约时报书评》、《君子》、《华盛顿邮报》等媒体的好评,并有四本小说入选“每月一书俱乐部”。此外他还拥有一大批作家拥趸,其中不乏著名作家,如库尔特·冯古内特、安德烈·杜波依斯,他的作品也影响了许多作家,如雷蒙德·卡佛,他被誉为“作家中的作家”。
“我不会去想变老的事,”她说。 “我知道你不会去想。那就是我最欣赏你的一点,爱丽丝。你对未来总有无限期待。你永远不会放弃。”