Delightfully humorous account of a feminist utopia in which three male explorers stumble upon an all-female society isolated in a distant part of the earth. Early 20th-century vehicle for Gilman’s then-unconventional views of male-female behavior, motherhood, individuality, privacy, sense of community, sexuality, and many other topics. Mischievous, ironic approach used to telling effect.
夏洛特•珀金斯•吉尔曼(1860.7.3-1935.8.17), 生于美国康涅狄格州(Connecticut)哈特福德市(Hartford),历任女性主义先锋作家、《先驱》月刊出版人、社会评论家、社会活动家、演讲人、商业艺术家、教师等多重职业身份。
吉尔曼曾入罗得岛设计学院,此外,所受其它正规学校教育不多,但其祖母家族中女流先驱辈出,姨祖母斯托夫人(Harriet Beecher Stowe)乃《汤姆叔叔的小屋》(Uncle Tom’s Cabin)作者。她历经两次婚姻,产后引发的抑郁症困扰终身,大部分作品基于自己的生活体验。