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The Weight of the World

The Weight of the World
作者:Pierre Bourdieu et al.
译者:Priscilla Parkhurst Ferguson
副标题:Social Suffering in Contemporary Society
出版社:Stanford University Press


Confined in their governmental ivory towers, their actions largely dictated by public opinion polls, politicians and state officials are all too often oblivious to the everyday lives of ordinary citizens. These persons, who often experience so much hardship in their lives, have few ways to make themselves heard and are obliged either to protest outside official frameworks or remain locked in the silence of their despair.


Under the direction of Pierre Bourdieu, France’s foremost sociologist, a team of 22 researchers spent three years studying and analyzing the new forces of social suffering that characterize contemporary societies—the daily suffering of those denied the means of acquiring a socially dignified existence and of those poorly adjusted to the rapidly changing conditions of their lives. Social workers, teachers, policemen, factory workers, white-collar clerks, farmers, artisans, shopkeepers—no one seems to be immune from the frustrations of today’s life, not to speak of the institutions of the family, work, and education.


The book can be read like a series of short stories, which include: a steel worker who was laid off after 20 years and now struggles to support his family on unemployment benefits and a part-time job; a trade unionist who finds his goals undermined by the changing nature of work; a family from Algeria living in a housing tract on the outskirts of Paris who must cope with pervasive forms of racism; and a schoolteacher confronted with urban violence. Reading these stories enables one to register these people’s lives and the forms of social suffering that infuse them.


The original publication of this book was a major social and political event in France, where it topped the best-seller list and triggered a widespread public debate on inequality, politics, and civic solidarity. It offers not only a distinctive method for analyzing social life, but another way of practicing politics.



皮埃尔·布尔迪厄 Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002),法国当代著名的社会学家,思想家和文化理论批评家。1954年他毕业于巴黎高等师范学院,1956年应征入伍,在阿尔及利亚服役两年。1964年回到巴黎,于1975年创办《社会科学研究行动》(Actes de la recher-che en sciences sociales)。1982年成为法兰西学院唯一的社会学教授,社会科学高等学院 (Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales) 学术总监。主要著作有《实践理论大纲》《艺术的规则》《帕斯卡式的沉思》《男性统治》《区隔》等。



Translator's Preface.

To The Reader: Pierre Bourdieu.

The Space of Points of View: Pierre Bourdieu.

Jonquil Street: Pierre Bourdieu.

A Displaced Family: Abdelmalek Sayad.

Everyone in a Place of their Own: Rosine Christin.

The View from the Media: Patrick Champagne.

The Order of Things: Pierre Bourdieu.

An Integrated Family: Patrick Champagne.

A Bad Investment: Gabrielle Balazs.

Renovation: Gabrielle Balazs.

The Last Difference: Patrick Champagne.

Site Effects: Pierre Bourdieu.

America as Social Dystopia: The Politics of Urban Disintegration: Loic Wacquant.

Inside "The Zone": the Social Art of the Hustler in the American Ghetto: Loic Wacquant.

Homeless in El Barrio: Philippe Bougois.

The Abdication of the State: Pierre Bourdieu.

An Impossible Mission: Pierre Bourdieu.

Institutional Bad Faith: Pierre Bourdieu.

Double Binds: Pierre Bourdieu and Gabrielle Balasz.

The View from the State: Patrick Champagne.

'Costs' and 'Benefits' of Immigration: Abdelmalek Sayad.

Disorder Amongst Agents of Order: Remi Lenoir.

Woman and Cop: Remi Lenoir.

A Living Reproach: Remi Lenoir.

On the Way Down.

Permanent and Temporary Workers: Michel Pialoux and Stephane Beaud.

The Old Worker and the New Plant: Michel Pialoux.

The Temp's Dream: Stephane Beaud.

Working Nights: Rosine Christin.

Possession: Rosine Christin.

The End of a World: Pierre Bourdieu.

The Shop Steward's World in Disarray: Michel Pialoux.

The Stolen Work: Sandrine Garcia.

A Silent Witness: Rosine Christin.

Such a Fragile Equilibrium: Pierre Bourdieu and Gabrielle Balazs.

Hanging by a Thread: Pierre Bourdieu.

A Life Wasted: Pierre Bourdieu.

On the Way Down: Patrick Champagne.

Broken Careers: Louis Pinto.

Outcasts on the Inside: Pierre Bourdieu and Patrick Champagne.

Those Were the Days: Pierre Bourdieu.

Paradise Lost: Sylvain Broccolichi.

Cogs in the Machine: Sylvain Broccolichi and Francoise Œuvrard.

A Double Life: Rosine Christin.

French Class: Rosine Christin.

The Upper Hand: Sylvain Broccolichi.

Institutional Violence: Gabrielle Balazs and Abdelmalek Sayad.

The Contradictions of Inheritance: Pierre Bourdieu.

Academic Destiny: Alain Accardo.

A Compromising Success: Charles Soulie.

The Spirit of Contradiction: Emmanuel Bourdieu and Denis Podalydes.

Wife and Collaborator: Jean-Pierre Faguer.

The Curse: Abdelmalek Sayad.

Emancipation: Abdelmalek Sayad.

The Sick Person as Object: Francois Bonvin.

Solitude: Gabrielle Balazs.

Understanding: Pierre Bourdieu.

PostScriptum: Pierre Bourdieu.




——嗯,如果是私立机构,你能够比在国家科研中心多挣多少? 亨利:我想是双倍吧。一开始是双倍,差不多双倍。是的,因为我手里有高师的文凭,价码高出一倍。再说,私立机构的工资也上涨得快得多。嗯,那些在国家科研中心做很令人崇敬的工作的人,我见过他们的标准:如果做到一级研究员,即最高一级,60岁上的工资才和一个法国电讯公司的三四十岁的人持平。这个差别毕竟相当大。

——你提到你在国家科研中心的工资时,伙伴们嘲笑你吗? 亨利:这个,往坏里说,他们会嘲笑;往好里说,他们不理解这是我的选择。


