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Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests

Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests
作者:Steve Freeman / Nat Pryce
出版社:Addison-Wesley Professional


Foreword by Kent Beck "The authors of this book have led a revolution in the craft of programming by controlling the environment in which software grows." --Ward Cunningham "At last, a book suffused with code that exposes the deep symbiosis between TDD and OOD. This one's a keeper." --Robert C. Martin "If you want to be an expert in the state of the art in TDD, you need to understand the ideas in this book."--Michael Feathers Test-Driven Development (TDD) is now an established technique for delivering better software faster. TDD is based on a simple idea: Write tests for your code before you write the code itself. However, this "simple" idea takes skill and judgment to do well. Now there's a practical guide to TDD that takes you beyond the basic concepts. Drawing on a decade of experience building real-world systems, two TDD pioneers show how to let tests guide your development and "grow" software that is coherent, reliable, and maintainable. Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce describe the processes they use, the design principles they strive to achieve, and some of the tools that help them get the job done. Through an extended worked example, you'll learn how TDD works at multiple levels, using tests to drive the features and the object-oriented structure of the code, and using Mock Objects to discover and then describe relationships between objects. Along the way, the book systematically addresses challenges that development teams encounter with TDD--from integrating TDD into your processes to testing your most difficult features. Coverage includes * Implementing TDD effectively: getting started, and maintaining your momentum throughout the project * Creating cleaner, more expressive, more sustainable code * Using tests to stay relentlessly focused on sustaining quality * Understanding how TDD, Mock Objects, and Object-Oriented Design come together in the context of a real software development project * Using Mock Objects to guide object-oriented designs * Succeeding where TDD is difficult: managing complex test data, and testing persistence and concurrency



Steve Freeman和Nat Pryce是独立的软件顾问,他们是英国的敏捷软件开发先锋。他们都曾在一些行业和组织机构中工作过:电信业系统开发、金融业、体育新闻报道和市场传播、IBM的薄膜包装应用、工业和学术研究机构等。他们是伦敦XpDay的创始人和组织者,经常出席和组织国际会议。Steve和Nat是几个有影响的开源项目的贡献者,这些项目支持TDD。在2006年,他们共同获得了敏捷联盟的Gordon Pask奖。他们住在英国伦敦。





依赖关系:对象向它的同级请求服务,这样对象就能实现它的职责。没有这些服务,对象就不能工作。 通知关系:同级对象需要及时了解对象的活动。 调整关系:同级对象会调整该对象的行为,以适应系统更多的需求。 我们坚持依赖关系要在构造方法中传入,但通知关系和调整关系可以设为默认值,以后再做调整。

我们发现,让对象容易测试的那些品质,也让代码更容易响应变化。 单例是依赖关系。 面向对象作为一种组织代码的技术,它的一个目标就是让对象的边界清晰可见。 如果单元测试工具让程序员绕过了设计中糟糕的依赖关系管理,那就丧失了宝贵的反馈关系。


