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Ex Libris

Ex Libris
作者:Anne Fadiman
副标题:Confessions of a Common Reader
出版社:Farrar, Straus and Giroux


Anne Fadiman is--by her own admission--the sort of person who learned about sex from her father's copy of "Fanny Hill," whose husband buys her 19 pounds of dusty books for her birthday, and who once found herself poring over her roommate's 1974 Toyota Corolla manual because it was the only written material in the apartment that she had not read at least twice. This witty collection of essays recounts a lifelong love affair with books and language. For Fadiman, as for many passionate readers, the books she loves have become chapters in her own life story. Writing with remarkable grace, she revives the tradition of the well-crafted personal essay, moving easily from anecdotes about Coleridge and Orwell to tales of her own pathologically literary family. As someone who played at blocks with her father's 22-volume set of Trollope ("My Ancestral Castles") and who only really considered herself married when she and her husband had merged collections ("Marrying Libraries"), she is exquisitely well equipped to expand upon the art of inscriptions, the perverse pleasures of compulsive proof-reading, the allure of long words, and the satisfactions of reading out loud. There is even a foray into pure literary gluttony--Charles Lamb liked buttered muffin crumbs between the leaves, and Fadiman knows of more than one reader who literally consumes page corners. Perfectly balanced between humor and erudition, "Ex Libris" establishes Fadiman as one of our finest contemporary essayists.



安妮·法迪曼(Anne Fadiman),生于美国纽约市,在康涅狄格州和洛杉矶长大,毕业于哈佛大学。毕业后,她在怀俄明州当野外探险向导,后来回到纽约从事写作。曾任《生活》杂志的特约撰稿人,《文明》杂志编辑和《美国学人》编辑。她的第一本书《鬼怪抓住你,你就跌倒了》(The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down,FSG,1997)获“美国国家书评奖”,她还写有随笔集《书趣》(Ex Libris),编有《经典重温》(Rereadings,FSG,2005)等作品。她现与家人住在马萨诸塞州西部,并担任耶鲁大学弗朗西斯住校作家。





抄袭者信心十足地反复说,如果你把原著质量提高了,那么你的天才就能赦免你,使你不再受到普通人应得的惩罚。这样的事屡见不鲜。维吉尔素以手指带黏性著称,有一次被发现偷引了恩尼乌斯(Quintus Ennius)的一本书。别人尖锐地问他干了什么,他回答:“从恩尼乌斯的牛粪堆里捡拾珍珠。”


