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The Great Enigma

The Great Enigma
作者:Tomas Transtromer
译者:Robin Fulton
副标题:New Collected Poems
出版社:New Directions


The "Collected Poems" of one of the world's greatest living writers, Tomas Transtromer, now available in this comprehensive edition. "In day's first hours consciousness can grasp the worldas the hand grips a sun-warmed stone."Translated into fifty languages, the poetry of Tomas Transtromer has had a profound influence around the world, an influence that has steadily grown and has now attained a prominence comparable to that of Pablo Neruda's during his lifetime. But if Neruda is blazing fire, Transtromer is expanding ice. "The Great Enigma: New Collected Poems" gathers all the poems Tomas Transtromer has published, from his distinctive first collection in 1954, "17 Poems," through his epic poem "Baltics" ("my most consistent attempt to write music"), and "The Sad Gondola," published six years after he suffered a debilitating stroke in 1990 ("I am carried in my shadow / like a violin / in its black case."), to his most recent slim book, "The Great Enigma," published in Sweden in 2004. Also included is his prose-memoir "Memories Look at Me," containing keys into his intensely spiritual, metaphysical poetry (like the brief passage of insect collecting on Runmaro Island when he was a teenager). Firmly rooted in the natural world, his work falls between dream and dream; it probes "the great unsolved love" with the opening up, through subtle modulations, of "concrete words."



托馬斯·特朗斯特羅默(Tomas Transtromer),1931年出生於瑞典,23歲時發表首部作品《詩十七首》,轟動了整個瑞典文學界。特朗斯特羅默的創作圍繞死亡、歷史、記憶和大自然等主題,作品的特色在於獨特的隱 喻,凝練的描述與言簡而意繁的組成。《詩十七首》裡第一首詩的頭一行,即為詩人最有名的隱喻之一:「醒來就是從夢中往外跳傘」。台灣詩人李敏勇也曾形容,特朗斯特羅默有典型北方寒冷國家性格,冷靜的觀照自然的神秘。特朗斯特羅默原來是一個優秀的鋼琴家,自由詩的音樂性很強。除了自由詩和散文詩,他也借用古代羅馬和希臘比較短的格律形式,以及日文的俳句。他使用這些詩律的時候,完全模擬原來的節奏形式。因為透過他那簡練、透通的意象,我們以嶄新的方式體驗現實。」(“because, through his condensed, translucent images, he gives us fresh access to reality.”)2011年獲頒諾貝爾文學獎桂冠,。


譯者,馬悅然(Goran Malmqvist)生於1924年。瑞典漢學家,斯德哥爾摩大學榮譽退休教授。瑞典學院、瑞典皇家科學院、瑞典皇家人文科學院院士與歐洲學院創辦院士。連任兩屆歐洲漢學學會主席。他在漢學研究方面著作多半有關中國方言學:上古、中古和現代的漢語音韻學、語法學、詩律學與中國文學,尤其著重於詩歌歷史的發展。他譯成瑞典文的中國文學上古、中古、近代、現代與當代的著作總計五十冊。他同時也是現代瑞典語著名詩人的英文翻譯者。馬悅然的中文著作包括《俳句一百首》與《另一種鄉愁》。





我听见我们丢出的石头 掉落,清晰如玻璃般穿过岁月。山谷中 扑朔迷离的瞬间之举 尖声地从树梢 飞向树梢,在比此刻 稀薄的空气中逐渐变安静,燕子般 从山巅滑翔 向山巅,直到它们 沿着存在的边缘 抵达最远的高地。那儿 我们所有的行为都落定, 清晰如玻璃, 再无他处可落, 除了我们自己。

在阴郁的日子里唯有和你做爱时我的生命方闪现光芒。 仿佛明灭不定的萤火虫——你可盯随其飞踪,一闪一闪 在黑夜的橄榄树间。 在阴郁的日子里灵魂颓然坐着,了无生趣, 而肉体一径走向你。 夜空鸣叫如牛。 我们秘密地自宇宙挤奶,存活下来。


