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Software Architecture Patterns

Software Architecture Patterns
作者:Mark Richards
副标题:Understanding Common Architecture Patterns and When to Use Them
出版社:O'Reilly Media, Inc.


The success of any application or system depends on the architecture pattern you use. By describing the overall characteristics of the architecture, these patterns not only guide designers and developers on how to design components, but also determine the ways in which those components should interact.

This O’Reilly report takes a deep dive into many common software architecture patterns. Each pattern includes a full explanation of how it works, explains the pattern’s benefits and considerations, and describes the circumstances and conditions it was designed to address. The report also includes an analysis and scorecard for each pattern based on several architecture and software development quality attributes.

Patterns include:

Layered architecture

Event-driven architecture

Microkernel architecture

Microservices architecture

Space-based architecture

In addition to these specific patterns, you’ll also learn about the Architecture by Implication anti-pattern and the causes and effects of not using architecture patterns.



Mark Richards is an experienced software architect with significant experience and expertise in application, integration, and enterprise architecture. Active in the software industry since 1983, he is the author/presenter of several O’Reilly books and videos, including Software Architecture Fundamentals; Enterprise Messaging, Java Message Service, 2nd Edition; and 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know.






