This "novel" brings together a decade's worth of stories about Haviland Tuf, an honest but thoroughly small-time interstellar trader who happens to acquire a centuries-old and miles-long seed-ship of the once powerful Earth Ecological Corps. Originally a deadly weapon, it alone preserves the secrets of a now-forgotten science and still functions well enough to create, gene-splice and clone any of a myriad species of plant and animal, both benevolent and destructive. The eccentric but ethical Tuf now styles himself an ecological engineer and wields his ship's treasures to solve the problems plaguing farflung settlements, from famine to sea serpents. These colorful tales mostly skirt the more interesting and prickly issue of Tuf's playing god to fundamentally change the cultures he encounters. Still, the seed-ship is a wonderful idea and Tuf, protecting his pet cats from the charge they are useless "vermin," is a droll hero.
乔治·马丁(George R.R.Martin,1948~)1971年在《银河》杂志发表处女作,之后迅速走红,自1974年赢得第一座“雨果奖”奖杯以来,迄今已捧回四座“雨果奖”、两座“星云奖”、一座“世界奇幻文学奖”,以及十一座“轨迹奖”奖杯。
美国科幻与奇幻的界线并非泾渭分明,因而产生了很多可以在科幻与奇幻两界自由穿行的两栖作家,乔治·马丁便是其中出类拔萃的一位。他的早期作品以科幻小说为主,中短篇居多,且频频获奖;现在的作品则以奇幻为主,多为鸿篇巨制。其中,《权力的游戏》(A Garne of Thrones,1976)取得了出人意料的成功,获“雨果奖”提名,被称为是一部将技巧、艺术性和老套故事有机结合的惊人之作。