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Poets Thinking

Poets Thinking
作者:Helen Vendler
副标题:Pope, Whitman, Dickinson, Yeats
出版社:Harvard University Press


Poetry has often been considered an irrational genre, more expressive than logical, more meditative than given to coherent argument. And yet, in each of the four very different poets she considers here, Helen Vendler reveals a style of thinking in operation; although they may prefer different means, she argues, all poets of any value are thinkers. The four poets taken up in this volume--Alexander Pope, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and William Butler Yeats--come from three centuries and three nations, and their styles of thinking are characteristically idiosyncratic. Vendler shows us Pope performing as a satiric miniaturizer, remaking in verse the form of the essay, Whitman writing as a poet of repetitive insistence for whom thinking must be followed by rethinking, Dickinson experimenting with plot to characterize life's unfolding, and Yeats thinking in images, using montage in lieu of argument. With customary lucidity and spirit, Vendler traces through these poets' lines to find evidence of thought in lyric, the silent stylistic measures representing changes of mind, the condensed power of poetic thinking. Her work argues against the reduction of poetry to its (frequently well-worn) themes and demonstrates, instead, that there is always in admirable poetry a strenuous process of thinking, evident in an evolving style--however ancient the theme--that is powerful and original.







32诗人的思考:蒲柏、惠特曼、狄金森、叶芝 的实质,在散文论证的第六部分,他温和地坚持自己的主张: 外在的好处不是适当的回报,而往往与美德不同 步,或者是对美德的破坏。没有美德,即使是这些也不 能使人快乐:比如财富、荣誉、高贵、伟大、名望、卓 越人。人类遭遇不幸的图景,都是因为他们拥有了所 有这些。


