Get a new perspective from the ‘other half’ of macroeconomics
The failure of the vast majority of economists in government, academia and the private sector to predict either the post-2008 Great Recession or the degree of its severity has raised serious credibility issues for the profession. The repeated failures of central banks and other policymakers in all advanced countries to meet their inflation or growth targets in spite of astronomical monetary easing, have left the public rightfully suspicious of the establishment and its economists.
The Other Half of Macroeconomics and the Fate of Globalization elucidates what was missing in economics all along and what changes are needed to make the profession relevant to the economic challenges of today. Once the other half of macroeconomics is understood both as a post-bubble phenomenon and as a phase of post-industrial economies, it should be possible for policy makers to devise appropriate measures to overcome difficulties advanced countries are facing today such as stagnation and income inequality.
• Shows how it’s possible to devise appropriate policy response to slow wage and productivity growth in these economies
• Demonstrates that the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy changes as an economy undergoes different stages of development
• Argues that tax rules, regulations and even educational system must be revised to match the need of pursued (by emerging nations) countries
• Explains the 200-year process of economic development and where that process is taking all of us
Inside, Richard C. Koo offers a completely new way of looking at the economic predicament of advanced countries today.
辜朝明,野村证券研究院(Nomura Research Institute)的首席经济学家,负责向日本的证券公司野村证券及其客户提供独立的经济和市场分析报告。人所知的是他提出的资产负债表衰退理论。在过去30年里,辜朝明向日本数位首相提出过建议;在过去的10年里,关于如何更好解决泡沫后经济和银行问题,他向西方国家政府和中央银行提出了大量的建议。在1984年加入野村证券之前,作为美国公民的辜朝明先生是美联储纽约分行的经济学家。此前,他是美国联邦储备委员会的博士研究生。除了作为首位非日籍人士参与制定日本的五年经济计划外,还作为访问教授任教于东京早稻田大学。现在,他是位于华盛顿特区的战略和国际研究中心的高级顾问。
对拉美一无所知的美国银行发放大量的(比索)美元贷款给当地的公共部门借款人(262页) 原文:U.S. banks that understood little about Latin America lent billions of (petro) dollars to public-sector borrowers there (p.253)