A half century ago, a shocking Washington Post headline claimed that the world began in five cataclysmic minutes rather than having existed for all time; a skeptical scientist dubbed the maverick theory the Big Bang. In this amazingly comprehensible history of the universe, Simon Singh decodes the mystery behind the Big Bang theory, lading us through the development of one of the most extraordinary, important, and awe-inspiring theories in science.
西蒙·辛格,剑桥大学粒子物理博士学位获得者,前BBC节目制作人,他执导的纪录片《费马大定理》获得英国电影学院奖(BAFTA),同名科普读物成为畅销书。同样畅销的还有《密码本》(The Code Book),这是BBC专题系列《保密的科学》的底本。