A brilliant account of religion's role in the political thinking of the West, from the Enlightenment to the close of World War II.
The wish to bring political life under God's authority is nothing new, and it's clear that today religious passions are again driving world politics, confounding expectations of a secular future. In this major book, Mark Lilla reveals the sources of this age-old quest-and its surprising role in shaping Western thought. Making us look deeper into our beliefs about religion, politics, and the fate of civilizations, Lilla reminds us of the modern West's unique trajectory and how to remain on it. Illuminating and challenging, The Stillborn God is a watershed in the history of ideas.
马克•里拉(Mark Lilla)现任哥伦比亚大学人文教授,曾任芝加哥大学社会思想委员会教授,美国公共领域中最具有影响力的知识分子。他的主要著作有《当知识分子遇到政治》(The Reckless Mind: Intellectuals in Politics),《维科:反现代的创生》(G.B.Vico: The Making of an Anti-Modern)。编有《以赛亚•伯林的遗产》(The Legacy of Isaiah Berlin),《新法兰西思想:政治哲学》(New French Thought: Political Philosophy).前三种都已由新星出版社出版。
所以我们得问自己:当人谈到上帝时,人其实在谈什么? 霍布斯的回答是:人在谈论自己,谈论他自身的经验。“由于只有在人类中才有宗教的迹象和产物,“他宣布,”没有理由怀疑,宗教的种子也只存在于人类之中。“这恐怕是整部《利维坦》中最重要的声明了。