'This book has become a true classic: essential reading for everyone who is seriously interested in politics in the broadest and least partisan sense.' - Milton Friedman
'This book should be read by everybody. It is no use saying that there are a great many people who are not interested in politics; the political issue discussed by Dr Hayek concerns every single member of the community.' - The Listener
Friedrich August von Hayek (1899-1992) was born in Austria. An eminent economist and political philosopher, he won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1974.
世界 的 现状 或许 是我 们 自身 真正 错误 的 后果, 对 我们 所 珍爱 的 某些 理想 的 追求, 明显 地产 生了 与 我们 的 预期 大相径庭 的 后果。