From some of the 20th century's greatest thinkers, essays on topics as diverse as artificial intelligence, evolution, science fiction, philosophy, reductionism, and consciousness With contributions from Jorge Luis Borges, Richard Dawkins, John Searle, and Robert Nozick, The Mind's I explores the meaning of self and consciousness through the perspectives of literature, artificial intelligence, psychology, and other disciplines. In selections that range from fiction to scientific speculations about thinking machines, artificial intelligence, and the nature of the brain, Hofstadter and Dennett present a variety of conflicting visions of the self and the soul as explored through the writings of some of the twentieth century's most renowned thinkers.
Douglas R. Hofstadter is the author of Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid.
道格拉斯.R.霍夫施塔特是美国当代计算机教授。哲学并非他的本行。而他的合作者丹尼尔。C。丹尼特则是哲学教授, 1980年,他们在加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托的行为科学高级研究中心进行了几次谈话,萌生了编著本书的念头。当时丹尼特正在研究人工智能和哲学。他们两人相辅相成,合作编著了本书,配合得十分默契。