As their holiday unfolds, Colin and Mary are locked into their own intimacy. They groom themselves meticulously, as though there awaits someone who cares deeply about how they appear. When they meet a man with a disturbing story to tell they become drawn into fantasy of violence and obsession.
'McEwan, that master of the taciturn macabre, so orgnises his narrative that, without insisting anything, every turn and glimpse is another tightening of the noose' - OBSERVER
伊恩·麦克尤恩(1948- ),本科毕业于布莱顿的苏塞克斯大学,于东英吉利大学取得硕士学位。从一九七四年开始,麦克尤恩在伦敦定居,次年发表的第一部中短篇集就得到了毛姆文学奖。此后他的创作生涯便与各类奖项的入围名单互相交织,其中《阿姆斯特丹》获布克奖,《时间的孩子》获惠特布莱德奖,《赎罪》获全美书评人大奖。近年来,随着麦克尤恩在主流文学圈获得越来越高的评价,在图书市场上创造越来越可观的销售记录,他的名字,已经成为当今英语文坛上“奇迹”的同义词。