Master the craft of game design so you can create that elusive combination of challenge, competition, and interaction that players seek. This design workshop begins with an examination of the fundamental elements of game design; then puts you to work in prototyping, playtesting and redesigning your own games with exercises that teach essential design skills.
Workshop exercises require no background in programming or artwork, releasing you from the intricacies of electronic game production, so you can develop a working understanding of the essentials of game design.
* A design methodology used in the USC Interactive Media program, a cutting edge program funded in part of Electronic Arts.
* Hands-on exercises demonstrate key concepts, and the design methodology
* Insights from top industry game designers, including Noah Falstein, American McGee, Peter Molyneux
Tracy Fullerton是一位饱受赞誉的游戏设计师和教育者,她的从业经验超过十五年。她在近期赢得了IndieCade 2013的Trailblazer奖,这是对她在独立游戏社区中的突出贡献的嘉奖。Tracy是南加州大学电影学院互动媒体及游戏系的主任和教授,这个专业在普林斯顿的北美游戏设计专业排行榜上高居第一。
什么是谜题? 一个玩具或诡计被设计成有难度的有趣挑战,需要有人有耐心地或别出心裁地努力解决。 一个简单的任务却有着糟糕的用户界面。