The Nobel prize-winning author Garcia Marquez has collected a dozen of his stories about Latin Americans in Europe, most of which, although magical, end on an unsettling note. Thus, an expatriate ex-president is recognized by an ambulance driver bent on exploitation; a man travels from Colombia to Rome with a cello case to see the pope; a woman with car trouble finds herself trapped in a mental institution; a prostitute plans her funeral. The plots are simple, but the character study and use of language is incisive. - Ann Irvine.
岁月的蹂躏让我背负了太多,根本无暇顾及他人。那天一直下着黏黏糊糊的小雨,浑浊如温汤,旧日时光钻石般的光芒也变得暗淡,那些曾经熟悉的、时时牵动我乡愁的地方都已变得陌生而遥远。 已经荒废的动物园里,唯一的幸存者是那头老狮子,浑身长满疥疮,在臭水沟环绕的小岛上瑟瑟发抖。西班牙广场那些装修一新的餐馆里,没有人唱歌,也没有人爱得死去活来。