In nineteenth-century Vienna, a drama of love, fate, and will is played out amid the intellectual ferment that defined the era. Josef Breuer, one of the founding fathers of psychoanalysis, is at the height of his career. Friedrich Nietzsche, Europe's greatest philosopher, is on the brink of suicidal despair, unable to find a cure for the headaches and other ailments that plague him. When he agrees to treat Nietzsche with his experimental "talking cure," Breuer never expects that he too will find solace in their sessions. Only through facing his own inner demons can the gifted healer begin to help his patient. In When Nietzsche Wept, Irvin Yalom blends fact and fiction, atmosphere and suspense, to unfold an unforgettable story about the redemptive power of friendship.
"欧文·亚隆(Irvin Yalom)
当今世界上最著名、著作流传最广、最有影响力的心理治疗大师之一,被评选为美国至今健在的三个最重要的心理治疗学家之一,是美国团体心理治疗的权威、精神医学大师、存在主义治疗三大代表人物之一。他的许多著作不仅给心理治疗师带来启发,也深得普通读者的喜爱,在世界范围内成功发行。其作品多次荣获欧美小说和非小说类奖项,其中《当尼采哭泣》荣获1992年 Commonwealth Club小说类金牌奖以及其他许多奖项,并被翻译成24种语言,出现在许多最佳畅销书名单上,销量超过200万本。"
人生的四大终极关怀(ultimate concerns):死亡、自由(包括意志的选择和因自由而有的责任)、孤独、人生的意义(或无意义)。