An expert in the fields of charisma and leadership, Olivia Fox Cabane has lectured at Stanford, Yale, Harvard, MIT and the United Nations. A frequent keynote speaker and executive coach to the leadership of major companies, she helps people increase their ability to influence, persuade, and inspire others. In "The Charisma Myth", Fox Cabane breaks charisma down into its fundamental components, revealing the secrets to what charisma really is and how it works. From a base of thorough behavioral science, Fox Cabane extracts practical tools for business, giving you the charisma-enhancing techniques she originally developed for Harvard and MIT.
奥利维亚•福克斯•卡巴恩,《福布斯》杂志专栏记者;魅力和领导能力专业培训师;拥有法国和美国双重国籍,精通四国语言;法国政府任命的最年轻的对外贸易顾问;财富500 强企业的会议发言人,同时也是企业高管们的魅力培训师;多次受邀至 哈 佛大学、耶鲁大学、斯坦福大学、麻省理工学院以 及联合国演讲,帮助人们增强影响力、说服力以及鼓舞人心的能力;她的作品常刊登在《纽约时报》《彭博资讯》和《商业周刊》,而她本人也常出现在《华尔街日报》的人物专栏里。
下面是三个瞬间提高魅力的小窍门: 1.在每句话的包尾降低语调 2. 降低点头的速度与频率 3. 发言前停顿两秒钟