For every brave soul who wants to just say no--no to meeting the gang for drinks, no to wishing a coworker happy birthday (unless there's free cake involved), and no to dating of any kind--here comes Blair, the master of living life in sweatpants and talking only to her cat. With her dark but totally honest perspective, Blair will teach you how to become an antisocial hermit, fail at your boring job, sabotage your relationship, and always--always--give yourself permission to choose the couch over the gym.
莫·韦尔奇(Mo Welch):喜剧演员、女演员、作家和漫画家,在梦工厂(DreamWork)进行创作。她是现如今美国喜剧界最炙手可热的新星之一,刚售出了一部电视试播片段并将同Flower Films及Beth Stelling合作,制作、主持了每月一次的实况脱口秀The Mo Show,出席了2016年福克斯喜剧之夜,制作并每周参演The Improv的Comedians You Should Know。